Tommy meeting friends at Disney

While at Disney, we were so happy to meet Austin, a boy with autism whose family reached out to connect with us via Tommy’s Youtube channel, and his beautiful family. They happened to be at Disney at the same time as us last November.

What happened next was pretty awesome. Austin and Minnie Mouse will make you smile and smile.

Oh, and Tommy got kisses from two princesses, on both cheeks, at the same time!!!!

December, 2013

Wandering the park at Disney is always magical. You never know who you will meet. And when a girl in a dragon costume rushes up and greets you, that is pretty magical

Melanie, thanks for saying hi, and making the last magical moments of the Christmas party linger into an even more magical adventure. Being the last guests strolling down Main Street with you that night…well…that was just perfect. Thanks!

5 thoughts on “Tommy meeting friends at Disney”

  1. Hi! I’m Zareth Jones & I live in Savannah, GA (United States). I enjoyed watching your Disney World videos on YouTube. I’d seen one of your race marathon videos on YouTube. Congraduations on winning the marathon race. I have autism as well. I’m a Disney fan. I also want to be friends with you. Btw, Canada is another one of my favorite Countries in the world. Please write back soon.

    1. Hi Zareth! This is Tommy’s mom, MaryAnn. Wonderful to hear from you! Thanks for watching Tommy’s videos and for taking the time to write and say hello 🙂

  2. Hey Tommy, you are a big inspiration! Your movies make me think about my actions, what a “small” gustier can mean to somebody. I would love to meet you once but for the moment I am living/ working in Belgium so it will be hard. If you are ever planning coming over to Disney land Paris then let me know and we can meet. Keep on smiling and see you on YouTube.

    Kind regards,


  3. Hi Tommy I’m Cara Whellan from Philadelphia, Pa. I have the same thing as you and I love Disney just like you. I want to meet you sometime Tommy and I love Frozen just like you do. I hope to meet you soon.

  4. Disneyland characters are my autistic special interest as well. i go to disneyland every 2 years where i can mmet and greet the characters there. the reason i love it because when ou meet and greet the characters, you get to touch them and is like touching a real teddie bear. so cute!

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