Cousin Iain:
Cousin Iain is a fun guy, and a good sport, and also a great runner!
Here is Tommy acting as Personal Trainer to Cousin Iain!
When Cousin Iain comes to visit, he is the coolest of the cool…and he can even juggle And he tried to teach Tommy how to juggle…Much to our disappointment, Uncle Chris didn’t fly off any treadmills on this visit, but he did eat a magic apple Tommy offered him…and the wish he made was the desperate wish of any old man with a teenage son. You’ll have to watch to see…
Cousin Charlotte:
Tommy’s cousin Charlotte is just one year younger than Tommy, and she too was always so happy to act out Tommy’s favourite stories, draw and scribe his story ideas for him, dress up, sing and dance with him, and generally play make believe all day long to his heart’s desire.
Here is a recent video of Charlotte and Tommy together. Watching Cousin Charlotte and Tommy together will make you smile! Not to mention Tommy with wacky morning hair, crazy headbands, and letters from Santa!
Hope you like it!
Cousin Julia:
Cousin Julia was born just two weeks after Tommy. Although she has always lived far away, whenever Cousin Julia and Tommy visited as children, Tommy wanted her to be his princess, acting out Disney movies, and dancing together pretending to be Beauty and the Beast. She would go and don her prettiest dress as per his instructions, and emerge from what he called “a princess’s bedroom”, ready to dance and follow his lead, no matter how “unique” the dance steps he led with proved to be Yes, they were definitely unique! (There is old video footage. It will make it to Tommy’s channel someday soonish. I promise.) There is something about cousins that makes for a magical relationship.
Tommy was so lucky to have two beautiful cousin princesses. Cousin are the best So when Cousin Julia arrived by airplane from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan for a visit, it is not surprising that, right away, as soon as the car ride from the airport, they began to sing Oh, and Julia is an amazing artist. So, naturally, Tommy had some ideas of what she should draw. And she obliged him, of course

Cousin Greg:
Greg is 2 years younger than Tommy, love video gaming, is a great singer, dancer, and actor! He works at a bank in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, and we wish he lived closer! Tommy has a great time with Greg whenever he gets a chance to hang out with him!